Tuesday, August 26, 2008

you are off track

i'm working in a new to me facility today. before i jumped in the shower this morning, i searched for directions in my phone navigator. while it's accurate, it's very hard to hear or see when i'm driving, so i meant to get the directions and write them down. it takes a few minutes to generate, so i got in the shower and forgot all about it.

i live alone. i've had a lot on my mind the past few days, and didn't start any music this morning. so, the house was very, very quiet.

while i was in the shower i heard, 'you are off track!' it was a startlingly clear and loud woman's voice. i do my best thinking in the shower. i was deep in a thought. so, to have this message delivered in the middle of thinking about what i was thinking about was eery. i took me a minute to realize it was my phone navigation system. which was becoming impatient with the fact that i had not moved yet.

things are good. growing pains abound, as always. i'm trying to be balanced. and while my companions last night could potentially tell you that i was a wee bit self-absorbed and dramatic with my growing pains last night, they would also tell you that my growing pains have moved from painful for everyone involved to mostly funny, sometimes sad, always with gravity, growing pains. and this is the point where i have to throw in- geez, my friends and family are so good.

that being said, i think it's time to keep my head down. chop some wood and haul some water for a little while. balanced, of course, with some bliss moments. but with a mission to stay on track.

the bathroom is being redone, and the wood floors are getting a makeover this weekend. i could just about do cartwheels.

the fam is coming for a visit in april. i'm excitedly planning.

i think i'm taking annie to the beach this weekend. and taking myself to a trans- cabaret show. and then hot water music next weekend. maybe. so good.

i am on track.

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