Thursday, August 28, 2008


i keep meaning to write this, and keep forgetting.

i have been talking about felix the cat bubble gum since leaving the philippines in 1981.

i loved this confection. as far as gum goes, i kind of remember it falling apart a lot.

as far as pure deliciousness goes, it was the finest candy i ever had. it was not too sweet, sort of citrus-ey, soft, wonderful tangy deliciousness. for years prior to my first communion, i remember earnestly believing that communion wafers would taste the same way because they seemed to be a similar size, color and texture to this felix the cat bubble gum. i was so mad at first communion. no offense, jesus.

i've never found anything else that tasted like it.

so, for everyone who's heard me talk about how much i want more felix the cat bubble gum, i finally found out what flavor it is- lychee. i got some dried lychee the other day. and was instantly transported back to being five years old.

as i rolled the flavor of the dried lychee in my mouth the way you can only do with a memory, the sweet-ish, savory-ish, pure childhood happiness memory came back.

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