Monday, September 29, 2008

surrender in my back pocket

i spent a lot of time with a lot of people this weekend. i am head over heels in friend love with my friends.

a very good friend got the keys to her first home. we celebrated.

i re-approached the parenting conversation with some of my friends.

on friday, i made an agreement to surrender to possibilities for thirty days. no really, an actual signed agreement. i've been doing this awkward oscillation between radical acceptance and saying no to everything because i don't trust my own decisions.

the results of this are sometimes amazing, but sometimes i end up gratefully accepting crap, or categorically denying fantastic opportunities.

so, the terms of this deal are this- for 30 days, starting last friday, i remain open to possibilities the universe sends me. i don't make excuses that allow me to turn down blind dates, i don't flake on my friends, and i keep my ethics about me. so, i don't have to say yes to everything that comes my way, but i have to consciously drop my batting practice bullshit for 3o days.

i'll keep you posted on how this goes.

on a whole other note, i had the day off, and it was gorgeous. like, kiss the ground gorgeous. but when the sun went down, i got a sudden case of the lonelies. i feel out of touch with my family. i can't wait for christmas, and for all of them to visit this spring.

and speaking of trips... glacier! i need to set up the blog for planning the train trip to glacier. it's going to be more expensive than driving, but way more fun, and meaningful, as well. i need a train trip with folks i love like my garden needs water these days.


Unknown said...

If it wasn't obviously my turn to visit I'd ask you to come to minnesota to visit. I'm blogging too btw. It's just about the cycles and I've been neglecting it lately. Check out the Money Pit if you get a chance. And thank you for the birthday greeting!

Unknown said...

so what ended up happening?!?