Friday, September 5, 2008

paint job

i'm trying to figure out new paint colors.

i have a small house. with not much natural light coming in. i learned, from experience, that i have to choose extremely light colors, because otherwise, it get real dark, real fast.

i stood in the home improvement store for what felt like a very long time. i couldn't choose a shower curtain either.

but, i get to start showering at my house again. which is so, so good. but thanks chooch and summer for the showers this week.

this weekend feels like christmas- home improvement, getting the first week of this new training out of the way. old friends, new friends. so good.

next week will start the paint job, big cleaning up projects, and getting ready for fall planting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out the Hue blog for some color inspiration:

I am totally addicted to her blog, and I think she has really good color sense with decorating. (One would hope; that's her job!)