Tuesday, May 25, 2010


i didn't pick up the call that day. the evening class was just about to start, and it was a bad time to start a conversation. he went to voicemail. i usually let it go, but i felt that nag to pick it up. i asked jake to finish prepping the room, and i hit the buttons. i didn't call him back, but called the number he instructed. she answered. and told me not to worry. not to come. she was being taken to the procedure room as we spoke. that started the first telephone effect.

i was on a plane the next morning. everything fell into place. and i glided through.

i'm still gliding. it's as quiet as the flights i took as a kid in my grandfather's WWII glider. the breath patterns the same- nothing at release, then slowly again.

i'm just beginning to feel the gasp for air. i'm just beginning to hear the sound of the ground.

i'm back to real life, seeing it around me. this weekend i was supposed to be paying attention to my date. we were instructed to go set up space in the corner, where we would see the most action. instead, i stared at the back of your sweatshirt, only realizing after you turned around, i was waiting to see you. we looked each other over, and i haven't looked someone in the eye that much since my flight took off six months ago. maybe next time we'll actually meet.